Why Your Dog is the Best Valentine 💖🐶💖

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, which means it’s time to start thinking about how you want to spoil your special someone. And no, we’re not talking about your significant other — we’re talking about your furry, four-footed, best friend. See why spending Valentine’s Day with your dog might make it your best Valentine’s Day ever!

a border collie photographed in the studio against a red backdrop by Massachusetts pet photographer Donna Kelliher
Will you be my Valentine? 💘

They’re Always Up For A Date Night

Who needs roses and chocolates when you can spend Valentine’s Day with your pup? Forget those stuffy candlelit dinners – dogs don’t care if you want to stay in and watch a movie, or go out and have some fun. They just want to be with you – no matter what you do!

So why not spend Valentine’s Day doing something special together? If it’s nice outside, take your pup for a hike in the woods or a run on the beach. If the weather isn’t cooperating, curl up on the couch and indulge in some quality cuddle time. Either way, you know your furry valentine will be thrilled with whatever activity (or lack thereof) you choose!

No Dressing up Required

Don’t bother debating over outfits – just spend the evening in your PJs snuggled up with your favorite four-legged friend. Bonus points if your PJ’s match! And even better, you get to choose your favorite shows to watch, no fighting over the remote.

Photograph by Donna Kelliher Photography of two golden retriever dogs celebrating valentine's day with a sweet kiss

Your Dog Will Always be by Your Side

No matter what else is going on in our lives, our dogs are loyal until the very end. And unlike our human partners, our pups will never tire of hearing about our day and will be there to listen whenever we need it. Who else can give so much love in exchange for a few belly rubs?

Gift Shopping is SO Easy

No need to struggle with finding the perfect gift. Your dog will be happy with whatever you choose. A new toy, some yummy treats, a new collar – whatever you choose will make this their BEST DAY EVER! Even better, is a field trip to pick up a few of their favorites. My dogs love visiting the Polkadog shops and The Natural Dog for great, all natural, locally sourced goodies.

And we all know how generous our dogs are, so don’t forget to pick up something awesome for YOU from THEM 🎁.

So this Valentine’s Day, show yourself some extra love by sharing it with (wo)man’s best friend! Who needs chocolates and roses when you have unconditional love and slobbery kisses? So this year, ditch the traditional date night and cuddle up with your bestest dog instead – you won’t regret it!

Happy Valentine’s Day from Believe and I 💖

Celebrating the “Perfectly Imperfect”: A Dog Photographer’s Perspective

Let’s face it, perfection is overrated. And impossible to achieve. Our dogs are so lucky, they don’t lay awake at night brooding over the extra pound they’re carrying or that mom isn’t too happy that they rolled in that slightly smelly thing in the yard. They’ve embraced their perfectly imperfect status 💖

I’ve had the privilege of capturing all kinds of tail-wagging mayhem in my 15+ years as a professional pet photographer. From dogs who will try to convince you that they’ve NEVER heard the word “sit” before to those who’ve mastered the art of zoomies. And guess what? It’s precisely these quirks that make our four-legged friends such rockstars! And why I have the best job in the world!

Real-life Moments, Real-life Love

In my sessions, perfection takes a back seat to authenticity. I’ve had the pleasure of capturing countless moments that encapsulate the quirky, wild, and wonderfully imperfect nature of our canine companions. It’s these unique qualities that make each dog a star in their own right.

From the dogs who treat “stay” like a distant relative and others who believe “fetch” is just a fancy game of keep-away. Forget the script – it’s the unscripted chaos that steals the show.

Championing the Unpredictable

A session without unpredictability is like a hotdog without mustard – bland and missing the kick. The goofy expressions, the sudden sprints, and the little bit of naughtiness make for images that aren’t just pictures; they’re a storybook of a canine’s character.

Let’s bark down those stereotypes that say a “perfect” dog fits a certain mold. In my world, every dog is a superstar, whether they’re a drama queen, a goofball, or the class clown.

So many potential clients feel they have to wait until their dog is “better behaved”, or can be off-leash or “calms down”. And none of those are true. Almost none of the dogs I have photographed in my career are obedience stars or even had much training at all. Most of them are “perfectly imperfect” – great dogs who occasionally raid the trash or chew a shoe or run off in the middle of a session after a rabbit 🐰.

photograph of two perfectly imperfect golden retrievers at a park in Rhode Island during a portrait session with dog photographer Donna Kelliher Photography

They’re dogs! They’re expected to act like dogs – be a little (or a LOT) crazy, pull on leash, bark their fool heads off just “because”. I didn’t get into this career to photograph robots (I don’t trust robots, even robot dogs, tell me that “dog” will cuddle with you on the couch… ). Your session will be one of laughter, action and slobbery kisses. So don’t wait to schedule a session for your pet – let’s capture all the chaos that makes you love them so much.

Your Dog is Perfect for the Camera – Just as They Are

To all the awesome pet parents out there, your dog is a star in the making – no auditions required. No need to wait for the stars to align or for your furry friend to become a canine Einstein. So, here’s to celebrating the perfectly imperfect, embracing the mayhem, and capturing the essence of your furry partner in crime. Ready? Let’s turn your furry rockstar into a frame-worthy legend.

dog photography artwork by Massachusetts dog photographer, Donna Kelliher Photography.

Here’s to the tail-wagging, tongue-lolling, laughter-inducing journey of photographing your unapologetically awesome canine buddies. 📸🐶


Have a reactive or really shy dog? Click here to read a blog on how I design special sessions just for them. Focusing on their comfort and safety at all times.