Important Life Lessons, from the dogs

photo of a dog surrounded my multicolor balls

Being owned by a dog is one of life’s greatest joys. Let’s face it dogs are pure joy! With our busy lives and never-ending commitments we could all stand to learn so much from our dogs about bringing more joy into our lives. Here are few of the lessons my dogs have taught me.

It’s the Simple Things in Life

Dogs live in the present moment and enjoy every single thing life has to offer – from a walk around the block to snuggling up on the couch for movie night! They are a constant reminder to take a break and enjoy life. They know that happiness doesn’t come from stuff or “likes” on social media but from enjoying every moment in the company of the ones we love.

The Power of Play ⚽

When was the last time you played? I mean really played (and not on your phone 😜). If you’re like me, PD (Pre-Dogs), it was a LONG time ago. Our dogs are masters at playing – with toys, balls, leaves blowing in the wind. They don’t need an excuse to let loose and just have FUN! And lucky for us, they’re usually willing to let us in on the fun too.

And when we join them for playtime, their joy is infectious. We laugh at the silly faces they make while trying to catch a ball (and when it bounces off their nose yet again). We marvel at how FAST they are as we try to keep up. It gives us an opportunity to take a break from reality and just enjoy the moment for what it is – pure bliss!

Border Collie crashing through water while being photographed by Greater Boston dog photographer, Donna Kelliher Photography

Unconditional Love & Loyalty

Finally, one of the greatest gifts our pets give us is their unconditional love and acceptance. No matter what kind of day we’ve had or how we’re feeling our pups will always greet us with their wagging tails and adoring eyes. Their constancy is an affirmation that everything will be alright. That kind of unwavering loyalty can transform any day from ordinary to extraordinary. And that my friends is true love and what is more joyous than that.

As we look around at how much happier life is with them in it, feel free to share the ways your dog has made your life brighter. How does your dog bring you joy? Share your stories with us in the comments! We would love to hear all about it.

Want some more joy in your life? Check out this post from Angela Schneider of Big White Dog Photography in Spokane, Washington, who’s starting a fundraiser for dogs right after ending one.

Donna Kelliher Photography
