3 Tips for Traveling With Your Dog This Holiday Season 🚗🦃🚙

The holidays are a wonderful time to spend with family and friends, and many of us like to include our furry family members in the festivities. As we approach the busiest travel week of the year, I thought I would share my top 3 tips to make traveling with your dog this holiday season as stress-free and happy as possible.

1. Get Your Dog Used to the Car
If your dog isn’t used to riding in the car, start by taking them on short trips around town before embarking on a longer journey. This will help them get used to the car and make sure they’re comfortable. If your dog seems nervous or anxious, try playing calming music or trying one of the many natural calming products to make their journey more enjoyable. A crate or doggie seatbelt is a good way to keep your dog contained, secure and safe while driving.

2. Pack Their Favorite Things
When packing for your trip, don’t forget to include your dog’s favorite toys, blanket, and treats. Bringing along their crate will give them a safe place to rest and recover for all the festivities. This will help them feel more at home in an unfamiliar environment and make the trip more enjoyable for both of you. Also, be sure to pack plenty of food and water—nothing will put a damper on your holiday fun faster than an upset tummy from different food and water 🤢🤮

3. Plan Your Stops Ahead of Time
When traveling with your dog, it’s important to plan ahead and make sure there are plenty of rest stops along the way so they can stretch their legs, have a drink of water, and potty. A little planning goes a long way towards making a road trip with your furry friend stress-free and enjoyable for everyone involved.

We hope these tips are helpful as you prepare to hit the road with your furry friend this holiday season! Remember, if you take the time to plan ahead, you’re sure to have a stress-free trip that everyone—two-legged and four alike—will enjoy. Happy holidays!

Donna Kelliher Photography
