6 Tips to Keep Your Dog Safe During the Holidays🎄🕎🎅🏻

border collie christmas portrait by Donna Kelliher Photography
Baby Believe’s First Christmas (when the tree really needed protection)

The holidays are my favorite time of year! However, if you have a dog, it’s important to take some extra precautions to keep them safe during all the excitement. With all the holiday decorations, parties, guests and food, there are plenty of opportunities for your furry friend to get into mischief. But don’t worry, with a little planning and preparation, you can make sure your dog has a happy and safe holiday season.

1. Make sure to monitor your dog around Christmas trees, Menorahs and other decorations. Puppies, especially, are curious creatures and they love to investigate new things. Many years my Christmas tree was surrounded by an x-pen to keep it upright and the ornaments safe. Thankfully, my dogs have outgrown tree destruction, but be especially careful with your young dog.

2. Keep toxic plants out of reach. Many common holiday plants including holly, mistletoe, poinsettias and lilies can make your pets sick, some seriously. If you’re decorating with these plants, be sure to keep them out of reach of your pet or choose safer alternatives.

3. Don’t leave your dog alone with visiting children, especially if your dog is not used to them. Excited children can unintentionally hurt or scare dogs. If you have young children visiting during the holidays, make sure they know how to approach and interact with dogs safely and supervise closely. And make sure to give your dog breaks in a safe place, like their crate, where no one can bother them.

4. Be careful with holiday food and treats. Dogs are often tempted by tasty holiday foods but many of these can be dangerous for them. Pan drippings, uncooked bread dough, chocolate, raisins, grapes and onions can land your dog in the emergency vet. Who wants that on the holidays? Stick to their regular food and treats instead.

5. Keep an eye on alcohol consumption (no, not on Aunt Minnie’s, well, maybe hers too 🍷🍺🍹). Dogs can be sensitive to alcohol and it can make them very sick (again who wants a sick dog on the holiday 🤮. So be sure to keep alcoholic drinks well out of reach.

6. Make sure to make special time just for you and your dogs. A nice long walk, a run in the park or even just a snuggle on the couch are a perfect holiday tradition 💗

Happy Holidays to all!

Donna Kelliher Photography
